
最后更新: 2021年2月21日 06:14:37


A coming of age drama following the life of Matt Hamill, the first deaf wrestler to win a National Collegiate Wrestling Championship.
HAMILL is a sports drama depicting the struggles and successes Matt Hamill faces on the way to becoming a champion. Raised among those with the ability to hear, Matt later finds himself no less an outsider amidst the Deaf Community. Through sheer determination, he uses his perceived disability as an asset, and becomes both the first deaf wrestler to win a National Collegiate Championship and an inspirational force to the hearing and deaf alike.
片名 Hamill
别名 重拳 / 胜利人生(港)
语言 英语
上映时间 2010
国家 美国
导演 Oren Kaplan
编剧 Joseph McKelheer Eben Kostbar
演员 Russell Harvard Raymond J. Barry Shoshannah Stern
片长 USA: 108 分钟
年代 2010
类型 运动

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720p高清 BluRay蓝光原盘 1.32 GB 迅雷 磁力
1080p电影 BluRay蓝光原盘 2.08 GB 迅雷 磁力
1080p电影 BluRay蓝光原盘 7.65 GB 迅雷 磁力